ControlChar Cell field. End of a table cell or end of a table row character x0007 or a in C#....cell or end of a table row character: “\x0007” or “\a”. to add various control characters to a document. Document doc...
ControlChar.LINE_FEED property. Line feed character: \x000a or \n...LINE_FEED property Line feed character: “\x000a” or “\n”. Same to add various control characters to a document. doc = aw ...
ControlChar.SECTION_BREAK property. End of section character: \x000c or \f...SECTION_BREAK property End of section character: “\x000c” or “\f”. Note to add various control characters to a document. doc = aw ...
ControlChar.SPACE_CHAR property. Space character: (char)32....SPACE_CHAR property Space character: (char)32. @property def to add various control characters to a document. doc = aw ...
ControlChar.LF property. Line feed character: \x000a or \n...LF property Line feed character: “\x000a” or “\n”. Same to add various control characters to a document. doc = aw ...
Aspose::Words::ControlChar::SectionBreakChar field. End of section character: (char)12 or "\f" in C++....SectionBreakChar field End of section character: (char)12 or “\f”. to add various control characters to a document. auto doc =...
Aspose::Words::ControlChar::LineBreakChar field. Line break character: (char)11 or "\v" in C++....LineBreakChar field Line break character: (char)11 or “\v”. to add various control characters to a document. auto doc =...
Load, manipulate and render XPS, PS and EPS documents to PDF and raster image formats without any software dependencies.... Regular Normal text. Method Summary...Detail Regular public static final XpsFontStyle Regular Normal...
Represents a contiguous area in a document....void Delete () Deletes all characters of the range. More... SharedPtr...occurrences of a character pattern specified by a regular expression...
ControlChar NonBreakingSpace field. Nonbreaking space character x00a0 in C#....field Non-breaking space character: “\x00a0”. public static to add various control characters to a document. Document doc...