Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Li......ns::Regex Class Reference Regular expression that follows C#-like...the positions defined by a regular expression specified in the...
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | Protected Member Functions | Li......ns::Regex Class Reference Regular expression that follows C#-like...the positions defined by a regular expression specified in the...
Aspose::Words::Replacing::IReplacingCallback::Replacing method. A user defined method that is called during a replace operation for each match found just before a replace is made in C++....replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern with another...converted to \" Washington \" 20 characters into a Run node. \r\n " )...
IReplacingCallback Replacing method. A user defined method that is called during a replace operation for each match found just before a replace is made in C#....replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern with another...converted to \"Washington\" 20 characters into a Run node.\r\n" + "\"NYC\"...
FindReplaceOptions ReplacingCallback property. The userdefined method which is called before every replace occurrence in C#....replace all occurrences of a regular expression pattern with another...converted to \"Washington\" 20 characters into a Run node.\r\n" + "\"NYC\"...
Aspose::Words::Range class. Represents a contiguous area in a document. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....Description Delete () Deletes all characters of the range. get_Bookmarks...occurrences of a specified character string pattern with a replacement...
FormField ExitMacro property. Returns or sets an exit macro name for the form field in C#....allows strings with at most 32 characters. Examples Shows how insert..."MyTextInput" , TextFormFieldType . Regular , "" , "Placeholder text" ...
An introduction to OCR technology and how Aspose.OCR for Java can help you use it for your day-to-day business needs....Contents [ Hide ] Optical character recognition (OCR) technology...OCR? State-of-art optical character recognition engine with superior...
How to create machine-readable answer sheets with your smartphone using Aspose.OMR app....Result 3 4 5 Answer keys - characters to be drawn inside bubbles:...sheets can be printed on a regular office printer. No special...
Aspose.SVG for .NET 23.3 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....Major Features As per the regular monthly update process of all...Fixed an issue where certain characters were displayed twice during...