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  1. Is there a way for keeping the headers together...

    Is there a way for keeping the headers together when tables split across pages? This happens when we inserthtml with builder and the table is large is 1.5 pages long. The headers don’t push down to the next page. the s…...<tr> <td>This regular data</td> <td>This regular data</td> <td>This...<td>This regular data</td> </tr> <tr> <td>This regular data</td>...
  2. DocumentBuilder.insert_text_input method | Aspo...

    DocumentBuilder.insert_text_input method. Inserts a text form field at the current position.... REGULAR , "" , "Enter your name here"...fields . TextFormFieldType . REGULAR , "" , "Enter your text here"...
  3. SystemFontSource.GetSystemFontFolders | Aspose....

    SystemFontSource 方法. 如果文件夹不可访问则返回系统字体文件夹或空数组... AddSubstitutes ( "Kreon-Regular" , new [] { "Calibri" }); Assert.... GetSubstitutes ( "Kreon-Regular" ). Count ()); Assert . Contains...
  4. API example of this - https://products.aspose.a...

    I want to take a random PDF, pass it to an API, and get an email address(es) in return. Can you direct me to the right API, documentation, or an example code, please? Thanks, Tim...following code, which uses regular expression to find e-mail addresses...Document("input.pdf"); // Create a regular expression pattern to match...
  5. Aspose::Words::Fonts::SystemFontSource class | ...

    Aspose::Words::Fonts::SystemFontSource class. Represents all TrueType fonts installed to the system. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....AddSubstitutes ( u "Kreon-Regular" , MakeArray < String > ({...GetSubstitutes ( u "Kreon-Regular" ) -> LINQ_Count ()); ASSERT_TRUE...
  6. Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontSubstitutionSettings ...

    Aspose::Words::Fonts::FontSubstitutionSettings class. Specifies font substitution mechanism settings. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....AddSubstitutes ( u "Kreon-Regular" , MakeArray < String > ({...GetSubstitutes ( u "Kreon-Regular" ) -> LINQ_Count ()); ASSERT_TRUE...
  7. FontStyle - Aspose.BarCode for Android via Java...

    Develop Android apps that can read & write barcodes using the Aspose.BarCode for Android via Java library....ITALIC Italic text static int REGULAR Normal text static int STRIKEOUT...Field Detail REGULAR public static final int REGULAR Normal text...
  8. index.xml

    1.0 utf-8 yes 2.0 Release Notes - 2018 on Releases - aspose.com content in Release Notes - 2018 on Releases......12 Release Notes As per regular monthly update process of all...18.11 Release Notes As per regular monthly update process of all...
  9. TextFragmentAbsorber | Aspose.PDF for .NET API ...

    Initializes a new instance of the TextFragmentAbsorberaspose.pdf.text/textfragmentabsorber that performs search of all text segments of the document or page.... For example, search with regular expression) Remarks Performs...demonstrates how to find text with regular expression on the first PDF...
  10. Add Cell Validations|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android write their own custom regular expressions to validate input...CustomExpression. Set the validation’s regular expression. The sample code...