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  1. Aspose::Words::Settings::MailMergeSettings::get...

    Aspose::Words::Settings::MailMergeSettings::get_LinkToQuery method. Not sure about this one. The Microsoft Word Automation Reference suggests that this specifies that the Query is executed every time the document is opened in Microsoft Word. But the OOXML specification suggests that this specifies that the Query contains a reference to an external Query file which contains the actual Query. The default value is false in C++....that this specifies that the query is executed every time the document...that the query contains a reference to an external query file which...
  2. Query | Aspose.Email for .NET API 参考

    Query MailboxHoldResultType.Query property public string Query { get ; set ; } 也可以看看 class MailboxHoldResultType 命名空间......Query MailboxHoldResultTyp.Query property public string Query...
  3. Class QueryTable | Aspose.Cells for .NET API Re...

    Aspose.Cells.QueryTable class. Represents QueryTable information...Gets the connection id of the query table. ExternalConnection {...[ 0 ]; //Getting the first query table in the worksheet if exists...
  4. Refresh | Aspose.Diagram for .NET API Reference

    Refresh DataRecordSet.Refresh method (1 of 2) Executes the Query string associated with the connected (non-XML-based)......method (1 of 2) Executes the query string associated with the source returned by the query. public void Refresh () See...
  5. freebusyquery - Aspose.Email for Java - API Ref...

    Contains documentation for all the methods & classes required to create applications using Aspose.Email for Java....calendars and/or groups to query. Date getTimeMax () The end...end of the interval for the query. Date getTimeMin () The start...
  6. ListMessagesByPageAsync | Aspose.Email for .NET...

    ListMessagesByPageAsync Contents [ Hide ] ImapClient.ListMessagesByPageAsync method (1 of 4) Gets the list of message......ListMessagesByPageAs ( MailQuery query , PageInfo pageInfo , PageSettings...Description query MailQuery MailQuery that represents search query. pageInfo...
  7. ListTasksAsync | Aspose.Email for .NET API Refe...

    ListTasksAsync IAsyncEwsClient.ListTasksAsync method Retrieves lists of exchange tasks. public Task < TaskCollection ......maxNumberOfItems = 0 , MailQuery query = null , bool recursive = false...Maximum number of items query MailQuery Mail query recursive Boolean...
  8. DataMashup | Aspose.Cells for Java API Reference

    Represents mashup data....Gets all parameters of power query formulas. getPowerQueryFormula()...getPowerQueryFormula() Gets all power query formulas. hashCode() notify() notifyAll()...
  9. GetFreebusyInfo | Aspose.Email for .NET API Ref...

    GetFreebusyInfo IGmailClient.GetFreebusyInfo method Gets free/busy information public FreebusyResponse GetFreebusyInf......FreebusyQuery query ) Parameter Type Description query FreebusyQuery...FreebusyQuery Query to get free/busy information Return Value Returns...
  10. Aspose.Email for .NET 20.6 Release Notes|Docume...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android MailMessage Bug Advanced Query Search (AQS) search with EWSClient...EWSClient Advanced Query Syntax (AQS) is the query syntax used by...