2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/ATom High Code APIs & Free Apps for PowerPoint File AuTomation – Konwersja prezentacji programu Microsoft PowerPoint do różnych formatów przy użyciu C++https://products.a......SharedPtr<Presentation> pres = MakeObject<Presentation>(ucolor:#e6db74...col-md-3 other-converter PPTX TO BMP (Bitmapa) col-md-3 other-converter...
Python source code To apply preset theme To vdx file within any Python based application....Python via Java Theme Vdx PNG JPG BMP TIFF VSDX Apply preset theme...such as PDF, XPS, JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, SVG, EMF and more. It...
C# compression and decompression source code To compress WAV documents inTo a single zip archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....Zip file WAV Zip file PNG JPG BMP TIFF WAV Compress and Decompress...AZW3 (Amazon Kindle Format 8) BMP (Bitmap Image) CDR (Vector Drawing...
C# compression and decompression source code To compress AVI documents inTo a single zip archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....Zip file AVI Zip file PNG JPG BMP TIFF AVI Compress and Decompress...AZW3 (Amazon Kindle Format 8) BMP (Bitmap Image) CDR (Vector Drawing...
C# compression and decompression source code To compress CSPROJ documents inTo a single zip archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....file CSPROJ Zip file PNG JPG BMP TIFF CSPROJ Compress and Decompress...AZW3 (Amazon Kindle Format 8) BMP (Bitmap Image) CDR (Vector Drawing...
C# compression and decompression source code To compress M4V documents inTo a single zip archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....Zip file M4V Zip file PNG JPG BMP TIFF M4V Compress and Decompress...AZW3 (Amazon Kindle Format 8) BMP (Bitmap Image) CDR (Vector Drawing...
C# compression and decompression source code To compress DOTX documents inTo a single zip archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....Zip file DOTX Zip file PNG JPG BMP TIFF DOTX Compress and Decompress...AZW3 (Amazon Kindle Format 8) BMP (Bitmap Image) CDR (Vector Drawing...