RenderFactory Contents [ Hide ] RenderFactory class RenderFactory creates all resources that represented in rendering......IIndexBuffer instance to store polygon’s face information. abstract...IVertexBuffer instance to store polygon’s vertex information. See Also...
Check out the list of possible annotations you can work with using Aspose.PDF for C++....Circle annotation Polygon (PDF 1.5) Polygon annotation PolyLine...
EmfRecorderGraphics2D Contents [ Hide ] EmfRecorderGraphics2D class The Emf recorder graphics public sealed class Emf......DrawPolygon (Pen, Point[]) Draws the polygon. DrawPolyline (Pen, Point[])...(Brush, Point[]) Fills the polygon. FillPolygon (Brush, Point[]...
SimpleFill Contents [ Hide ] SimpleFill class Simple polygon symbolizer. public class SimpleFill : VectorSymbolizer C......] SimpleFill class Simple polygon symbolizer. public class SimpleFill...Specifies vertical offset from a polygon location to the rendered shape...
Usando Aspose.3D for .NET, los desarrolladores pueden crear un grupo de suavizado para la malla....Polygon, ReferenceMode.Direct); //assign...//assign data for each polygon sg.SetData(new int[] {0, 0, 0, 1...
.NETAPIを使用してUSDおよびその他の3Dファイルを変換します...Conversion Options USD TO PLY (Polygon File Format) USD TO HTML (Hyper...What is PLY File Format? PLY, Polygon File Format, represents 3D...
Details & examples of Aspose.Cells for Python via Java classes, methods & interfaces for you to read, write & convert spreadsheets programmatically....PICTURE Picture const int POLYGONPolygon const int CHECK_BOX CheckBox...PICTURE Picture POLYGON const int POLYGONPolygon CHECK_BOX const...