LockBegin Protection.LockBegin property Specifies whether the begin Point of a 1-D shape is locked to a specific loca......Specifies whether the begin point of a 1-D shape is locked to...
Radius Cone.Radius property Gets or sets the radius. Contains a floating-Point number that specifies the radius of th...... Contains a floating-point number that specifies the radius...
Focal Parabola.Focal property Gets or sets the focal. A floating-Point number that describes the focal length of the ...... A floating-point number that describes the focal...
ProgressPointShape ProgressLines.ProgressPointShape property Gets or sets the progress Point shape. GanttBarEndShape ......property Gets or sets the progress point shape. GanttBarEndShape . public...
Origin Line.Origin property Gets or sets the origin. Contains three floating-Point numbers that describe the origin o...... Contains three floating-point numbers that describe the origin...
getCrossAt getCrossAt() function Represents the Point on the axis where the perpendicular axis crosses it. Read/write......getCrossAt() function Represents the point on the axis where the perpendicular...
getCrossAt getCrossAt() method Represents the Point on the axis where the perpendicular axis crosses it. Read/write f......getCrossAt() method Represents the point on the axis where the perpendicular...
y_value_type property y_value_type property Gets Y value type of the chart Point. Definition: @property def y_value_t......Gets Y value type of the chart point. Definition: @property def y_value_type...
FieldMergeBarcode.pos_code_style property. Gets or sets the style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types UPCA|UPCE|EAN13|EAN8)...Gets or sets the style of a Point of Sale barcode (barcode types...
Represents the Point on the axis where the perpendicular axis crosses it. Write float....oat) method Represents the point on the axis where the perpendicular...