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  1. PdfSaveOptions.Compliance | Aspose.Words for .N...

    PdfSaveOptions mülk. Çıktı belgeleri için PDF standartları uyumluluk düzeyini belirtir....Pdf17" olarak ayarlayın. // "PDF/A-1a"...
  2. PdfSaveOptions.Compliance | Справочник по API A...

    PdfSaveOptions свойство. Указывает уровень соответствия стандартам PDF для выходных документов....Pdf17», чтобы соответствовать стандарту...
  3. PdfSaveOptions.Compliance | Referencia de API d...

    PdfSaveOptions propiedad. Especifica el nivel de cumplimiento de estándares de PDF para los documentos de salida....Pdf17" para cumplir con el estándar...
  4. System.OutOfMemoryException' in Aspose.Words.dl...

    Hi to all! I am getting ‘System.OutOfMemoryException’ in Aspose.Words.dll while i try conwert big ( 128mb) TXT file to PDF. The code is : protected override PdfRenderResponse RenderToPdf(PdfRenderRequest request) {…...Pdf17, }; builder.Document.Save(outputStream...
  5. Image is showing in Word file but not in PDF fi...

    Hi, I am using Aspose.Words version “23.7.0” to insert image with some text at the end of the word document then convert it to pdf file. the word file is showing image and text with no issue but the pdf file is showing…...Pdf17 }; var pdfpath = coverLetterPath...
  6. IPdfOptions | Aspose.Slides for Java API Reference

    Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format....Pdf17 . Returns: int setCompliance(int.... Default is PdfCompliance.Pdf17 . Parameters: Parameter Type...
  7. PdfOptions | Aspose.Slides for Java API Reference

    Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format....Pdf17 . Returns: int setCompliance(int.... Default is PdfCompliance.Pdf17 . Parameters: Parameter Type...
  8. PdfOptions | Aspose.Slides for Android via Java...

    Provides options that control how a presentation is saved in Pdf format....Pdf17 . Returns: int setCompliance(int.... Default is PdfCompliance.Pdf17 . Parameters: Parameter Type...

    CustomBarcode/CustomBarcode.csproj Exe net6.0 Pdf17; wordDoc.Save($"{path}{documentName}...
  10. Aspose.PSD for Java 23.7 - Release Notes|Docume...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Pdf17 F:com.aspose.psd.fileformats...