Aspose.Words for Java 20.8 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....Feature WORDSJAVA-2432 SonarQube report for the new code. New Feature...WORDSNET-20781 Incorrect paragraph border drawing after conversion...
Aspose.Words for Java 23.3 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....view the full list of issues, reported by Java Users. Key Summary...view the full list of issues, reported by .NET Users. Key Summary...
Aspose.Words for .NET 21.8 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....(character etc) inside a Paragraph New Feature WORDSNET-19311...evaluating expressions for LINQ Reporting Engine New Feature WORDSNET-21015...
Document constructor. Creates a blank Word document in C#....a Section, a Body, and a Paragraph. doc . AppendChild ( new Section...doc )) . AppendChild ( new Paragraph ( doc )) . AppendChild ( new...
I have some word documents with formulas created using the built in word equation editor. When I convert them to PDF the formula is missing.
I am using this code to save the word document as a PDF
var doc = new Documen…...@TimothyBlue Thank you for reporting this problem to us. I have...almost 9 months since this was reported. Is there any ETA on a resolution...
Lines and rectangles are not exported by default. Aspose.Words for JasperReports exports Reports to Microsoft Word documents in flow layout mode....that overlap or surround other report elements. Aspose.Words for...for JasperReports exports reports to Microsoft Word documents in...
version 20.5 Java
When converting the attached document to PDF some images is covering the footer information. Is this a know issue and are there any fixes in later versions?
In the uploaded files I’ve attached the wor…...@nilspersson Thank you for reporting the problem to us. The problem...row there is only one empty paragraph with a wrapped shape anchor...
Aspose.Words for C++ 23.5 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....The layout issue due to a paragraph with FrameFormat in the footer...previous page in output PDF Paragraphs are rendered on previous...
Represents a Word document....Words 's reporting engine that allows to populate reports designed...creates one section with one paragraph. More... void ExpandTableStylesToD...