Load, manipulate and render XPS, PS and EPS documents to PDF and raster image formats without any software dependencies....page com.aspose.xps com.aspose.xps...java.lang.Object com.aspose.page.SaveOptions com.aspose.xps.rendering...
Load, manipulate and render XPS, PS and EPS documents to PDF and raster image formats without any software dependencies....page com.aspose.xps com.aspose.xps...java.lang.Object com.aspose.page.SaveOptions com.aspose.xps.rendering...
Load, manipulate and render XPS, PS and EPS documents to PDF and raster image formats without any software dependencies....page com.aspose.xps com.aspose.xps...java.lang.Object com.aspose.page.SaveOptions com.aspose.xps.rendering...
This class encapsulates PS/EPS documents....get; } Returns the number of pages in resulting PDF document. Methods...namespace Aspose.Page.EPS assembly Aspose.Page PsConverterException...
Class representing page of PDF document....Page Contents [ Hide ] Page class Class representing page of...document. public sealed class Page : IDisposable Properties Name...
Clone XpsPolyBezierSegment.Clone method Clones this set of cubic Bézier curves. public XpsPolyBezierSegment Clone () ......Page.XPS.XpsModel assembly Aspose.Page English Русский...
Opacity XpsBrush.Opacity property Returns/sets value defining the uniform transparency of the brush fill. public floa......Page.XPS.XpsModel assembly Aspose.Page English Русский...
Opacity ImageDevice.Opacity property Gets/sets the opacity. public override float Opacity { get ; set ; } See Also cl......Page.XPS.Presentation.Image assembly Aspose.Page Font OpacityMask...
LeadingPoints DrFont.LeadingPoints property Returns leading of this font (lis). This is a shortcut for LineSpacingLis......Page.Font assembly Aspose.Page LeadingLis LineSpacingLis...