property. Specifies a unique read-only persistent numerical Id for this StructuredDocumentTagRange node...sdt_type } " ) print ( f " \t |flat_opc_content: { range_start_tag ....
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 11.0.12 (Oracle Corporation) Name: classes.jar SHA-256-Digest: a1Mg6rW5gtgiblohofZK+moeXFCszYJAw= Name: res/values/values.xml SHA-256-Digest: ONE_CODE 0x7f0b0034 int id OPC 0x7f0b0035 int id PATCH_CODE...static final SingleDecodeType OPC; public static final SingleDecodeType...
C# forráskód a VSDM dokumentum szerkesztéséhez .NET Framework, .NET Core, Windows Azure, Mono vagy Xamarin platformokon.... A VSDM fájlok OPC/XML rajzok, amelyek hasonlóak...
StructuredDocumentTagRangeStart.word_open_xml property. Gets a string that represents the XML contained within the node in the [SaveFormat.FLAT_Opc](../../../aspose.words/saveformat/#FLAT_Opc) format....FLAT_OPC format. @property def word_open_xml...
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 11.0.12 (Oracle Corporation) Name: classes.jar SHA-256-Digest: QHsYQnZi+MdQC0wqGba0kCsnPG6ed/Ixnnci8fo= Name: res/values/values.xml ONE_CODE 0x7f0b0034 int id OPC 0x7f0b0035 int id PATCH_CODE...static final SingleDecodeType OPC; public static final SingleDecodeType...