immutable object which represents a gradient stop.... Read-only Color. Position { get; } Returns...1) of a gradient stop. Read-only Single. See Also namespace Aspose...
Represents a set effect for an animation behavior.... Only: bool, ColorFormat, float, int...effect. Represents point value. Only: bool, ColorFormat, float, int...
ChartSeriesGroup ChartSeriesGroup class Represents group of series. See summary and remarks for” can have a read-only projection in ChartSeries class...Returns the parent chart. Read-only IChart. Returns: Chart getDoughnutHoleSize...
Represents a transition form of the presentation for saving into a web format.... Read-only Storage . Input { get; } Output...elements of the document. Read-only Output . Methods Name Description...
Represents a Luminance effect. Brightness linearly shifts all colors closer to white or black. Contrast scales all colors to be either closer or further apart.... Read-only IAccessiblePVIObject . AsIImageTransformOpe...IImageTransformOpera interface. Read-only IImageTransformOpera . See Also...
SearchRequestStore Contents [ Hide ] SearchRequestStore class Specify the name, query and options for the search. pub......The UserName and Password can only be sent in the request after...requested resources. The client MUST only send these over a secure or...