CacheType CacheType enumeration Specifies the cache type to use. public enum CacheType Values Name Value Description ......cache only. CacheInMemoryOnly 2 The in-memory cache only. See...
getProperties getProperties() function Returns a collection of ActiveX properties. Read-Only IControlPropertiesCollec...... Read-only IControlPropertiesCo. Note:...Note: Aspose.Slides supports only XML based ActiveX properties. If...
System::Runtime::Serialization::StreamingContext Class Reference Dummy class to make StreamingContext-using translate......they must be allocated on stack only. More... #include " streaming_context...they must be allocated on stack only....
IFontScheme IFontScheme class Stores theme-defined fonts. The IFontScheme type exposes the following members: Propert...... Read-only IFonts . major Returns the fonts...“heading” part of the slide. Read-only IFonts . name Returns the font...
Represents a collection of slides in the section.... Read-only ISlide . Parameters: Parameter...contained in the collection. Read-only int. Returns: int copyTo(System...
PivotField property. Represents the item in the base field for a custom calculation. Valid Only for data fields. Because PivotItemPosition.Custom is Only for readif you need to set PivotItemPosition.Custom please set PivotField.BaseItemIndex attribute... Valid only for data fields. Because PivotItemPosition...PivotItemPosition.Custom is only for read,if you need to set PivotItemPosition...
Public Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::Animation::SetEffect Class Reference Represents a set e...... Only: bool, ColorFormat , float,...effect. Represents point value. Only: bool, ColorFormat , float,...