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  1. IChartTitle | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API Reference

    Represents chart title properties.... Read-only ILayoutable . AsIOverridableText...IOverridableText interface. Read-only IOverridableText . Format {...
  2. ChartTextFormat | Aspose.Sildes for Node.js via...

    ChartTextFormat ChartTextFormat class Specifies default text formatting for chart text elements. copyFrom Name Descri...... Read-only IChartParagraphForma. Result:...getPortionFormat () PortionFormat. Read-only IChartPortionFormat. Result:...
  3. ImageWrapper | Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NE...

    ImageWrapper ImageWrapper class System.Drawing.Image wrapper for COM interface. The ImageWrapper type exposes the fol...... Read-only image . size Gets the pixels, of the Image. Read-only size . as_i_disposable Returns...
  4. ForeignData - Aspose.Diagram for Java - API Ref...

    Detailed explanation & examples that helps developers integrate Visio File Processing features in their own Java applications....(doublevalue) This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data...(intvalue) This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data...
  5. PieSplitPosition | Aspose.Sildes for .NET API R...

    Specifies a value that shall be used to determine which data points are in the second pie or bar on a pie-of-pie or bar-of-pie chart. Is used together with PieSplitBy property. This is the property not Only of this series but of all series of parent series group - this is projection of appropriate group property. And so this property is read-Only. Use ParentSeriesGroup property for access to parent series group. Use ParentSeriesGroup.PieSplitPosition read/write property for change value. Read-Only Double.... This is the property not only of this series but of all series...And so this property is read-only. Use ParentSeriesGroup property...
  6. AirsyncClass | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    AirsyncClass AirsyncClass enumeration Identifies the class of the item. The following classes are supported for mailb......The SMS and Notes classes are only available if the protocol version...item class The SMS class is only available if the protocol version...
  7. VbaProject | Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NET ...

    VbaProject Contents [ Hide ] VbaProject class Represents VBA project with presentation macros. The VbaProject type ex...... Read-only string. modules Returns the...contained in the VBA project. Read-only IVbaModuleCollection . references...
  8. foreigndata - Aspose.Diagram for Python via Jav...

    asposediagram.api Classes AbstractInterruptMonitor Act ActCollection Align Alignment Annotation AnnotationCollection ......setCompressionLevel (value) This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data...setCompressionType (value) This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data...
  9. ForeignData - Aspose.Diagram for Python via Jav...

    asposediagram.api Classes AbstractInterruptMonitor Act ActCollection Align Alignment Annotation AnnotationCollection ......setCompressionLevel (value) This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data...setCompressionType (value) This attribute is only meaningful if the foreign data...
  10. which ports are nee...

    My application is running fine on my local machine, but from server I don’t get an connection via ImapClient. I saw on the server I can Only reach the 993 port from, but not the 143 port. From my lo…... I saw on the server I can only reach the 993 port from outlook...4:51pm #2 @nishiichinoe You can only use the ports that are open...