IGroupShape Contents [ Hide ] IGroupShape class Represents a group of shapes on a slide. The IGroupShape type exposes...... Read-only IGroupShapeLock . group_shape_lock...Returns shape’s locks. Read-only IGroupShapeLock . shapes Returns...
AnimationTimeLine AnimationTimeLine class Represents timeline of animation. getInteractiveSequences Name Description ...... This sequences may contain only effects by “click on shape”...specifies target shape. Read-only ISequenceCollection. Result:...
Represents a chart series....related with this series Read-only ILegendEntryProperti . getNumberFormatOfVal()...Parent_Immediate object. Read-only IDOMObject. Returns: com.aspose...
Duotone Contents [ Hide ] Duotone class Represents a Duotone effect. For each pixel, combines Color1 and Color2 throu...... Read-only IPresentationCompone . color1...format for dark pixels. Read-only IColorFormat . color2 Returns...
Classes | Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::Charts::Chart Cl......override Determines whether the only visible cells are plotted. False...override Determines whether the only visible cells are plotted. False...
Represents a type of field. This value determines which text will be set to the field portion when it will be updated.... Read-only FieldType . static DateTime1...(MM/DD/YYYY for english). Read-only FieldType . static DateTime10...