height propiedad height propiedad Obtiene y establece el height del control en unidad de puntos. Definición: @propert......clase ToggleButtonActiveXC fore_ole_color propiedad ime_mode propiedad...
height propiedad height propiedad Obtiene y establece el height del control en unidad de puntos. Definición: @propert......clase LabelActiveXControl fore_ole_color propiedad ime_mode propiedad...
prog_id fastighet prog_id fastighet Hämtar eller ställer in ProgID för Ole-objektet. Definition: @property def prog_i......eller ställer in ProgID för OLE-objektet. Definition: @property...
height property height property Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points. Definition: @property def ......class ImageActiveXControl fore_ole_color property ime_mode property...
height property height property Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points. Definition: @property def ......activexcontrols class UnknownControl fore_ole_color property ime_mode property...
height property height property Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points. Definition: @property def ......class ComboBoxActiveXContr fore_ole_color property hide_selection...
height property height property Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points. Definition: @property def ......class LabelActiveXControl fore_ole_color property ime_mode property...
sort_names method sort_names Sorts the defined names. def sort_names ( self ): ... Remarks If you create a large amou......class WorksheetCollection set_ole_size method swap_sheet method...
height property height property Gets and sets the height of the control in unit of points. Definition: @property def ......class SpinButtonActiveXCon fore_ole_color property ime_mode property...