FbxSaveOptions Contents [ Hide ] FbxSaveOptions class Save options for Fbx file. public class FbxSaveOptions : SaveOp......3D to look for external file to...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D FbxLoadOptions FileSystemFactory...
Node Bone.Node property Gets or sets the node. The bone node is the bone which skin attached to, the SkinDeformer wil......3D Item Transform English Русский...
StepMode KeyFrame.StepMode property Gets or sets the key’s step mode. If the interpolation type is Constant, list.dat......3D OutWeight TangentWeightMode English...
LocalFileSystem LocalFileSystem class The LocalFileSystem will maps the read/write operations to local directory. pub......3D IOUtils MathUtils English Русский...
GltfLoadOptions Contents [ Hide ] GltfLoadOptions class Load options for glTF format public class GltfLoadOptions : L......3D to look for external file to...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D GltfEmbeddedImageFor GltfSaveOptions...
A3dwSaveOptions Contents [ Hide ] A3dwSaveOptions class Save options for A3dW format. public class A3dwSaveOptions : ......3D to look for external file to...ThreeD.Formats assembly Aspose.3D AmfSaveOptions English Русский...
VertexFieldSemantic VertexFieldSemantic enumeration The semantic of the vertex field public enum VertexFieldSemantic ......3D VertexFieldDataType Watermark...