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  1. Generate Occurrences from a Recurrence Pattern|...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ); CalendarRecurrence...
  2. Issue with date format in page shape data - Fre...

    Hi all, I’m trying to fill date value in Page shape data. Format in Visio (in Define Shape Data) is: Type = Date, Format = {{dd/Mm/yyyy HH:Mm:ss}} and Calendar = Gregorian. My code: indent preformatted text by 4 spaces…...Type = Date, Format = {{dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss}} and Calendar = Gregorian...
  3. System throws Object reference not set to an in...

    Frutiger 45 Light not embedded 1.pdf (5.7 KB) Trying to Convert this file to PDFA3B format and system throws ExceptionMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.; IsFileConverted: False; AsposeConv…...been replaced with Adobe Sans MM. font.png (16.5 KB) With library...
  4. milestonehelper - Aspose.Diagram for Python via...

    asposediagram.api Classes AbstractInterruptMonitor Act ActCollection Align Alignment Annotation AnnotationCollection ......String 0 dddd, yyyy-M-d 1 yyyy-MM-dd 2 yy-MMM-d 3 yyyy/M/d 4 yy-MMM...yyyy 26 d 27 MMMM 28 MMM 29 M 30 MM/dd/yyyy setDateFormatString :...
  5. Get Pattern for Custom Date in Java - Aspose.Ce...

    I am using the following code to get pattern for custom date in Java from Excel cell: cell.getStyle().getCustom() In Excel, I set the format as show in the screenshot below The return value of getCustom is m/d/yy;@. T…...expect for getCustom to return MM/d/yy . Is there a standard way...
  6. Date Format incorect when saving as HTML - Free...

    Hi, When I save a vsdx file as HTML, the shapes that contains a Date are not rendered as in the input file. In the “Shape_With_Date.vsdx” the shape as a Date in French Format (DD/Mm/YYYY) When generated with Visio, HT… a Date in French Format (DD/MM/YYYY) When generated with Visio...
  7. Pivot year/month grouping is getting cleared af...

    Hi, We are using Aspose.Cells (23.2.0). We have a preconfigured excel file which has a pivot that is grouping by date column by year and month. After filling source range with some data using Aspose.Cells the pivot da…...Custom = “mm/dd/yyyy”; worksheet.Cells[index...
  8. index.xml

    2.0 Documentation – Public API Changes in Aspose.Diagram 5.x.x Recent content in Public A......DateFormatStringForB o = s "yyyy-MM-dd"o ; c1 // set DateFormat...DateFormatStringForI o = s "yyyy-MM-dd"o ; VB highlight chroma...
  9. Aspose::Words::Fields::IFieldUpdateCultureProvi...

    When implemented, provides a CultureInfo object that should be used during the update of a particular field....pattern = u "yyyy MM (MMMM) dd (dddd) hh:mm:ss tt" ; format->...pattern = u "yyyy MM (MMMM) dd (dddd) hh:mm:ss tt" ; format->...
  10. Digital Signature in PowerPoint|Aspose.Slides D...

    Add digital signature or certificate in PowerPoint. Certificate authority in C# or .NET... ToString ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" ) + " -- " + ( signature...