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  1. Maya

    Home Browse our Products Toggle navigation Are you looking for an evaluation version of a product? If so you can down...... Tag: Maya Downloads ---New Releases-aspose...
  2. Improved FBX & Maya® Support in 3D API for C#, ...

    C# .NET API with improved support for the FBX (Filmbox) Autodesk gameware format and Maya®. Convert FBX to USD (Universal Scene Description) 3D file format....File Details Improved FBX and Maya® Support Improved support for...Autodesk gameware format and Maya®. Improved FBX to USD Conversion...
  3. Autodesk® Maya ASCII File Support API for C#, A...

    C# .NET API with the feature to import the Autodesk® Maya ASCII File. Now our 3D API supports the Maya ASCII format (MEL script) as an input format (.ma).... File Details Import Maya ASCII File Added the ability...Autodesk® Maya ASCII File. Now our 3D API supports the Maya ASCII...
  4. Import Autodesk® Binary Maya 3DPDF to GLTF API ...

    C# .NET 3D processing API supports importing Autodesk® Binary Maya, improved quality of Mesh while converting 3D PDF to GLTF format, restored.NET 4.5 support....File Details Implement Binary Maya Import Support Introduced to import Autodesk® Binary Maya. Improve 3D Mesh Quality Improved...
  5. Aspose.3D for .NET 22.10 Release Notes|Document...

    The release notes of Aspose.3D for .NET 22.10....THREEDNET-1241 Allow import Maya ASCII file New Feature API changes...: /// <summary> /// Autodesk Maya in ASCII format /// </summary>...
  6. Aspose.3D for Java 23.3 Release Notes|Documenta...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....THREEDNET-1352 Unsupported maya section VEC# in binary maya file Bug fixing...THREEDNET-1353 Unsupported maya section SBDS in binary maya file Bug fixing...
  7. Aspose.3D for Python via .NET 23.3 Release Note...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....THREEDNET-1352 Unsupported maya section VEC# in binary maya file Bug fixing...THREEDNET-1353 Unsupported maya section SBDS in binary maya file Bug fixing...
  8. Aspose.3D for Java 22.11 Release Notes|Document...

    The release notes of Aspose.3D for Java 22.11....THREEDNET-1283 Implement binary maya import support New Feature THREEDNET-1276...FileFormat : /** * Autodesk Maya in Binary format */ public static...
  9. Aspose.3D for Java 22.10 Release Notes|Document...

    The release notes of Aspose.3D for Java 22.10....THREEDNET-1241 Allow import Maya ASCII file New Feature API changes...FileFormat : /** * Autodesk Maya in ASCII format */ public static...
  10. Wrong UV data - Free Support Forum -

    Hello all! I am trying to put some materials on my objects that I created, but the top always looks wrong. The whole object has the same material settings, so I thought maybe the uv data is wrong…? Here is an image for…...objects, we suggest use blender/maya/3ds max to do the job....