Sets the East Asian font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Write IFontData....should be inherited from the Master. Write IFontData . virtual...virtual void Aspose :: Slides :: IBasePortionFormat :: set_EastAsianFont...
Sets the superscript or subscript text. Value from -100% (subscript) to 100% (superscript). std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() means value is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Write float....from the Master. Write float . void Aspose :: Slides :: BasePortionFormat...Namespace Aspose::Slides Library Aspose.Slides get_Escapement()...
Represents a collection of all layout Slides in presentation. Extends LayoutSlideCollection class with methods for adding/cloning layout Slides in context of uniting of the individual collections of Master's layout Slides....a collection of all layout slides in presentation. Extends LayoutSlideCollectio...methods for adding/cloning layout slides in context of uniting of the...
Returns or sets the font height of a portion. float.NaN means height is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write Single....should be inherited from the Master. Read/write Single. public...namespace Aspose.Slides assembly Aspose.Slides FontBold FontItalic...
Returns or sets the Latin font info. Null means font is undefined and should be inherited from the Master. Read/write IFontDataaspose.Slides/ifontdata....should be inherited from the Master. Read/write IFontData . public...namespace Aspose.Slides assembly Aspose.Slides LanguageId LineFormat...
SlideUtil Contents [ Hide ] SlideUtil class Offer methods which help to search shapes and text in a presentation. The...... find_shape(slide, alt_text) Find shape by alternative...alternative text on a slide in a PPTX presentation. align_shapes(alignment_type...
Represents a group of shapes on a Slide....Represents a group of shapes on a slide. class IGroupShape : public...public virtual Aspose :: Slides :: IShape Methods Method Description...
Changes all footer placeholders visibility including MasterSlides layout Slides and Slides....including masterslides, layout slides and slides. public void...namespace Aspose.Slides assembly Aspose.Slides SetAllFootersText...