PR_PREVIEW_UNREAD MapiPropertyTag.PR_PREVIEW_UNREAD field public static readonly long PR_PREVIEW_UNREAD ; See Also cl......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email PR_PREVIEW_A...
PropertyKind MessageObjectProperty.PropertyKind property Gets or sets the kind of the property if it’s named. public ......Mapi.Msg assembly Aspose.Email NameId...
ExtractedTasks KnownPropertyList.ExtractedTasks field Contains an XML document with a single TaskSet element. Area: E......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ExtractedPhones...
ExtractedContacts KnownPropertyList.ExtractedContacts field Contains an XML document with a single ContactSet element......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email ExtractedAddresses...
InstantMessagingAddress KnownPropertyList.InstantMessagingAddress field Specifies the instant messaging address of th......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email InstanceNum...
CommonStart KnownPropertyList.CommonStart field Indicates the start time for the Message object. Area: General Messag......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email CommonEnd...
Email2AddressType KnownPropertyList.Email2AddressType field Specifies the address type of the electronic address. Are......Mapi assembly Aspose.Email Email1OriginalEntryI...
Установите значение true чтобы импортировать информацию MapiMessage в объект MailMessage с MapiMessage как вложение TNEF....Mapi сборка Aspose.Email MailConversionOption...
PR_ATTACH_SIZE MapiPropertyTag.PR_ATTACH_SIZE field public static readonly long PR_ATTACH_SIZE ; Смотрите также class......Mapi сборка Aspose.Email PR_ATTACH_RENDERING...