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  1. Basic Flowchart

    Company Name 4/1/99 Drag the side handles to change the width of the text block. DRP Inventory Control Open POs/MOs Bill of Distribution Order Entry Transportation Planning and Scheduling Resources...... Make Buy Yes Sales and Operations...Scheduling Cost Analysis Realistic? Make Buy Yes Sales and Operations...
  2. Basic Flowchart

    Company Name 4/1/99 Drag the side handles to change the width of the text block. DRP Inventory Control Open POs/MOs Bill of Distribution Order Entry Transportation Planning and Scheduling Resources...... Make Buy Yes Sales and Operations...Scheduling Cost Analysis Realistic? Make Buy Yes Sales and Operations...
  3. Basic Flowchart

    Company Name 4/1/99 Drag the side handles to change the width of the text block. DRP Inventory Control Open POs/MOs Bill of Distribution Order Entry Transportation Planning and Scheduling Resources...... Make Buy Yes Sales and Operations...Scheduling Cost Analysis Realistic? Make Buy Yes Sales and Operations...
  4. One Table Split across multiple pages - need to...

    Hello, Can aspose word search each pages last row and first row in a cross pages table ? In table each row,I set some cell border top and border bottom to be none when the two rows data are partial same(can not merge t…...But the data is to long that make table cross page, so if I or bottom to none, will make table cross page without top...
  5. Adding tags to pdf document - Free Support Foru...

    How can I add text in pdf document page and Make it as accessibility tag public void AddText(Page page, Rectangle rectangle, string text) { var textFragment = new TextFragment(text); textFragment.MakeTransparent(); …...text in pdf document page and make it as accessibility tag public...text in pdf document page and make it as accessibility tag Andranik...
  6. Aspose::Cells::ExternalConnections::DBConnectio...

    Aspose::Cells::ExternalConnections::DBConnection::SetConnectionInfo method. The connection information string is used to Make contact with an OLE DB or ODBC data source in C++....information string is used to make contact with an OLE DB or ODBC...information string is used to make contact with an OLE DB or ODBC...
  7. Password Protect Word Document in Python | Encr...

    Use Python Word library to password protect Word documents in Python. Apply different protection types to resctrict access to Word DOCX DOC in Python....Word Document with Password Make a Word Document Read Only Other...Password in Python Aspose.Words makes it quite easier for you to protect...
  8. Aspose.PowerPoint.Suite Product Preview - Free ...

    Dear customers, The Product Suite We're proposing to Make a product suite Aspose.PowerPoint.Suite which includes: 1. Aspose.PowerPoint.Engine. It is the proposed Aspose.PowerPoint, an invisible control that enables yo…...Product Suite We’re proposing to make a product suite Aspose.PowerPoint...much effort, you are able to make a Windows application that looks...
  9. Font.Emboss | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Font Emboss property. True if the font is formatted as embossed in C#.... // 1 - Engrave text to make it look like the letters are...engraved." ); // 2 - Emboss text to make it look like the letters pop...
  10. Font.emboss property | Aspose.Words for Python

    Font.emboss property. True if the font is formatted as embossed.... # 1 - Engrave text to make it look like the letters are...engraved." ) # 2 - Emboss text to make it look like the letters pop...