OdsoFieldMapData.name property. Specifies the column name within an external data source for the column whose index is specified by the [OdsoFieldMapData.column](../column/) property...maps data source columns to merge fields. doc = aw . Document...collection defines how a mailmerge will map columns from a data...
aspose.words.Mailmerging.IMailMergeCallback class. Implement this interface if you want to receive notifications while MailMerge is performed....receive notifications while mailmerge is performed. Methods Name...
MailMergeOptions TrimWhitespaces property. Gets or sets a value indicating whether trailing and leading whitespaces are trimmed from MailMerge values in C#....whitespaces are trimmed from mailmerge values. public bool TrimWhitespaces...
OdsoFieldMapData Clone method. Returns a deep clone of this object in C#....maps data source columns to merge fields. Document doc = new Document...collection defines how a mailmerge will map columns from a data...
Aspose::Words::Document::get_MailMerge method. Returns a MailMerge object that represents the MailMerge functionality for the document in C++....object that represents the mailmerge functionality for the document...
MailMergeSettings.data_source property. Specifies the path to the Mail-Merge data source...Specifies the path to the mail-merge data source. The default...
Aspose::Words::Settings::OdsoRecipientData::get_Active method. Specifies whether the record from the data source shall be imported into a document when the MailMerge is performed. The default value is true in C++....into a document when the mailmerge is performed. The default...
Perform some operations with documents faster and more conveniently than Apache POI. In addition, there are operations that are not supported by Apache POI....Document section MailMerge The MailMerge and Reporting section...
OdsoFieldMapData MappedName property. Specifies the predefined Merge field name which shall be mapped to the column number specified by the Column property within this field mapping. The default value is an empty string in C#....property Specifies the predefined merge field name which shall be mapped...maps data source columns to merge fields. Document doc = new Document...