Aspose.Words for JasperReports works with JasperReports and JasperServer. This article explains how to integrate the exporter....typical code needed to export a report to a DOC file using Aspose...examples can be found in the demo reports included in the product download...
Learn about classes and interfaces that help collect error and warning information when checking a website's accessibility against WCAG compliance....failure criteria and methods that report errors and look at a C# example...details of the methods that report errors. Example of getting...
Java Sample code for creating template based DOC documents. Use it for automated generation of Word DOC files within Java based desktop or web application.... Reporting Engine supports different...buildReport() method to build the report having document template, data...
C# API to Convert MD File to XLTM without using Microsoft Excel or Adobe Reader...hyphens or asterisks to create lists. Markdown also supports adding...macros that generate a monthly report. By using the XLTM template...
Render MD to XLTM in Android Apps API without using Microsoft Excel or Adobe Reader...hyphens or asterisks to create lists. Markdown also supports adding...macros that generate a monthly report. By using the XLTM template...
Convert MD to XLTM via C++ API without using Microsoft Excel or Adobe Reader...hyphens or asterisks to create lists. Markdown also supports adding...macros that generate a monthly report. By using the XLTM template...
PivotField class PivotField class Represents a field in a PivotTable Report. The PivotField type exposes the followin......Represents a field in a PivotTable report. The PivotField type exposes...displays in the PivotTable report, even if they don’t contain...
Aspose.Cells for Java 18.6 Release Notes – the latest enhancements, new features, and sorting in Pivot Table report via Aspose.Cells APIs New Feature...Incompatible Changes The following is a list of any changes made to the public...
Setting DataField Function as DistinctCount within Pivot table using Aspose Cells for .Net doesnt seems to work version is 20.10... (35.6 KB) Steps to 2.Create PivotTable popup list details for pivot generation...
Free online XLTM file viewer app. Java API code to read XLTM file for viewer application.... Code listed to view XLTM document through...macros that generate a monthly report. By using the XLTM template...