LockFormat Protection.LockFormat property Specifies whether the formatting of a shape is locked so it cannot be chang......protects against changing text, line, and fill formatting, or changing...
getErrorBarsYFormat getErrorBarsYFormat() function Represents ErrorBars of series with derection Y. Read-only IErrorB......for series of type area, bar, line, scatter and bubble. For any...
ChartDataLabel IsVisible property. Returns true if this data label has something to display in C#....apply labels to data points in a line chart. public void DataLabels.... InsertChart ( ChartType . Line , 400 , 300 ); Chart chart =...
ChartSeries DataPoints property. Returns a collection of formatting objects for all data points in this series in C#....apply labels to data points in a line chart. public void DataLabels.... InsertChart ( ChartType . Line , 400 , 300 ); Chart chart =...
ShapeSegment ShapeSegment class Represents a shape segment. A segment is a Line or curve connecting two points. publi...... A segment is a line or curve connecting two points...