is_word_wrapped property is_word_wrapped property Indicates whether the contents of the control automatically wrap at......automatically wrap at the end of a line. Definition: @property def is_word_wrapped...
DrawLine Device.DrawLine method Draws a Line segment. public virtual void DrawLine ( double x1 , double y1 , double x......DrawLine method Draws a line segment. public virtual void...
end_arrow_length property end_arrow_length property Specifies the length of the arrowhead for the end of a Line. Defi......the arrowhead for the end of a line. Definition: @property def end_arrow_length...
begin_arrow_length property begin_arrow_length property Specifies the length of the arrowhead for the begin of a Line......arrowhead for the begin of a line. Definition: @property def begin_arrow_length...
Aspose::Words::Fields::FieldIndex::set_RunSubentriesOnSameLine method. Sets whether run subentries into the same Line as the main entry in subentries into the same line as the main entry. void Aspose...
weight property weight property Returns or sets the weight of the Line ,in units of pt. Definition: @property def wei......Returns or sets the weight of the line ,in units of pt. Definition:...
Strikethrough Top-Left to Bottom-Right default is false. Specifies the hidden or shown state of a strikethrough diagonal Line from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner of border box....of a strikethrough diagonal line from the top-left corner to...
Sets the distance between the Line and the cap represented by the current object....Sets the distance between the line and the cap represented by the...