LineStyle DgnElementMetadata.LineStyle property Gets or sets Line style public DgnLineStyle LineStyle { get ; set ; }......LineStyle property Gets or sets Line style public DgnLineStyle LineStyle...
LineWeight DwfWhipDrawable.LineWeight property Gets or sets Line weight public DwfWhipLineWeight LineWeight { get ; s......LineWeight property Gets or sets line weight public DwfWhipLineWeight...
X InfiniteLine.X property An x-coordinate of a point on the infinite Line. public DoubleValue X { get ; set ; } See A......x-coordinate of a point on the infinite line. public DoubleValue X { get...
HorizontalDisplacement MarkerPatternFill.HorizontalDisplacement property Specifies the horizontal offset for markers ......for markers in even horizontal line. public Measurement HorizontalDisplaceme...