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latin fonts

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  1. Missing fonts cause Aspose.Words process to stu...

    Hello, we’ve been heavily testing Aspose Java Word for documents to PDF conversion and we found a few documents that cause the underlying Aspose process to stuck. This happens when we try to instantiate the Document cl…...Missing fonts cause Aspose.Words process to stuck Aspose.Words...Word docx document that uses fonts, which have not been previously...
  2. ThemeFonts class | Aspose.Words for Python

    aspose.words.themes.ThemeFonts class. Represents a collection of Fonts in the font scheme, allowing to specify different Fonts for different languages [ThemeFonts.Latin](./Latin/), [ThemeFonts.east_asian](./east_asian/) and [ThemeFonts.complex_script](./complex_script/)...Represents a collection of fonts in the font scheme, allowing to specify...different fonts for different languages ThemeFonts.latin , ThemeFonts...
  3. ThemeFonts.east_asian property | Aspose.Words f...

    ThemeFonts.east_asian property. Specifies font name for EastAsian characters....east_asian property Specifies font name for EastAsian to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...
  4. ThemeColors.followed_hyperlink property | Aspos...

    ThemeColors.followed_hyperlink property. Specifies color for a clicked to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
  5. ThemeColors.accent5 property | Aspose.Words for...

    ThemeColors.accent5 property. Specifies color Accent to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
  6. ThemeColors.accent1 property | Aspose.Words for...

    ThemeColors.accent1 property. Specifies color Accent to set custom colors and fonts for themes. doc = aw . Document...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. theme = doc . theme...
  7. Theme class | Aspose.Words for Python

    aspose.words.themes.Theme class. Represents document Theme, and provides access to main theme parts including [Theme.major_Fonts](./major_Fonts/), [Theme.minor_Fonts](./minor_Fonts/) and [Theme.colors](./colors/)To learn more, visit the [Working with Styles and Themes]( documentation article....major_fonts , Theme.minor_fonts and Theme.colors To... major_fonts Allows to specify the set of major fonts for different...
  8. ThemeColors.Dark2 | Aspose.Words for .NET

    ThemeColors Dark2 property. Specifies color Dark 2 in to set custom colors and fonts for themes. Document doc = new...theme, a source of default fonts and colors. Theme theme = doc...
  9. FontSettings.FallbackSettings | Aspose.Words fo...

    Fontsettings FallbackSettings property. Settings related to font fallback mechanism in Settings related to font fallback mechanism. public to distribute fallback fonts across Unicode character code...
  10. Theme.MajorFonts | Aspose.Words for .NET

    Theme MajorFonts property. Allows to specify the set of major Fonts for different languages in specify the set of major fonts for different languages. to set custom colors and fonts for themes. Document doc = new...