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latin fonts

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  1. themefonts - Aspose.Words for Java - API Reference

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....FixedPageSaveOptions FolderFontSource Font FontConfigSubstituti FontFallbackSettings...Represents a collection of fonts in the font scheme, allowing to specify...
  2. Presentation Theme|Aspose.Slides for Python Doc...

    PowerPoint presentation theme in Python... a theme comprises colors, fonts , background styles , and effects...) Change Theme Font To allow you select fonts for themes and...
  3. Presentation Theme|Aspose.Slides Documentation

    PowerPoint presentation theme in C++... a theme comprises colors, fonts , background styles , and effects...); Change Theme Font To allow you select fonts for themes and...
  4. FontFallbackSettings - Aspose.Words for Java - ...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Words for Java classes & methods. Generate, convert, modify, render and print Word documents using Java....FixedPageSaveOptions FolderFontSource Font FontConfigSubstituti FontFallbackSettings...extends java.lang.Object Specifies font fallback mechanism settings...
  5. Feature List Aspose.Font for .NET

    C# Font API supports different font formats and file operations such as loading, reading, detecting, extracting, and rendering font glyphs and font data....Font Product Solution Aspose.TeX...Events Acquisition English Aspose.Font .NET Getting Started Feature...
  6. Aspose.OCR for .NET 22.9 - Release Notes

    A summary of recent changes, enhancements and bug fixes in Aspose.OCR for .NET 22.9 (September 2022) release....improves the recognition of small fonts and detection of dense lines...Enhancement OCRNET-580 The original font size is preserved in OCR results...
  7. IFonts - Aspose.Slides for Android via Java - A...

    Detailed explanation of each class & method of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java library. Integrate presentation processing features in your own apps....FontFallBackRule FontFallBackRulesCol Fonts FontScheme FontsLoader FontsManager...Classes: Fonts public interface IFonts Represents fonts collection...
  8. IFonts - Aspose.Slides for Java - API Reference

    Provides detailed explanation of Aspose.Slides for Java API classes & methods so you could quickly integrate PowerPoint Processing features in your own applications....FontFallBackRule FontFallBackRulesCol Fonts FontScheme FontsLoader FontsManager...Classes: Fonts public interface IFonts Represents fonts collection...
  9. Load font files from disc | API Solution | .NET

    .NET API Solution to manage Fonts. Learn how to load Fonts from a disc with a few lines of C# code. Code examples of loading functionality....Font Product Solution Aspose.TeX...Products Aspose.Font .NET Load font from disc Load font documents from...
  10. ifonts - Aspose.Slides for Android via Java - A...

    Detailed explanation of each class & method of Aspose.Slides for Android via Java library. Integrate presentation processing features in your own apps....FontFallBackRule FontFallBackRulesCol Fonts FontScheme FontsLoader FontsManager...Classes: Fonts public interface IFonts Represents fonts collection...