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  1. Get Warning Message "illegal access" when Conve...

    Hi, We are using the AsposeTotal java version 23.1 (aspose-slides-23.1-Jdk16.jar). When doing the save a Presentation toPpdf, get the warning below. Should we be concerned? Or is this being addressed in later patches …...warnings are related to using JDK 9 or higher ( see for reference...
  2. Memory Usage / Garbage Collection questions - F...

    We run a cluster of servers which converts files on demand into G4 bitonal TIFF files. We use aspose.pdf PdfConverter.saveAsTIFF and then further process the tiff using aspose.imaging TiffImage. What I am seeing is t…...architecture JDK type (Orcale, OpenJDK, IBM's JDK) JDK version Java...
  3. Aspose Cells diagram circular annotation issue ...

    Hi, We are using Aspose Cells 23.1 with Jdk version 8 on CentOS 7. We have installed all the basic fonts and msttcorefonts. The circular annotations are missing in the diagram. please check the Input/Output files her…...1 with JDK version 8 on CentOS 7. We have...with Aspose Cells 23.1 with JDK 1.8 can be opened normally, and...
  4. System Requirements|Documentation

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....supports any operating system where JDK/JRE can be installed, including...
  5. License - Aspose.HTML for Java - API Reference

    Developer's manual to the Java HTML class library to create, edit, extract data & convert HTML pages to PDF, XPS, Images and other formats....By default we using default jdk security. void setEmbedded (boolean...By default we using default jdk security. Default value == false...
  6. PPT中的表格转svg的时候有缺损 - Free Support Forum - aspose...

    表格.7z (171.5 KB) 1.png (24.1 KB) 转换 方式是IShape.writeAsSvg(OutputStream var1)得到的svg...如果问题仍然存在,请分享以下附加信息: 执行代码的操作系统版本 您应用中的 JDK 版本 任何额外信息 LukeWoW February 15...:Windows 11 /Red Hat 4.8.5-36 JDK version :java 1.8.0_321 64bit...
  7. Aspose Cells exception while converting XLS fil...

    Hi, I am getting exception while converting few excel files. I have tried both the jars Aspose Cells 23.1 & 23.2. Can you please check these files Aspose Cells exception while converting XLS (177.1 KB)...give us your environment (OS, JDK version, CPU, RAM, etc.) details...Hi, I am using Windows 10 and JDK 1.8 This is my sample code, String[]...
  8. DisposableObject - Aspose.Imaging for Java - AP...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....try-with-resources statement since JDK 1.7. void dispose () Disposes...try-with-resources statement since JDK 1.7. This method simply call...
  9. disposableobject - Aspose.Imaging for Java - AP...

    Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....try-with-resources statement since JDK 1.7. void dispose () Disposes...try-with-resources statement since JDK 1.7. This method simply call...
  10. DataLabels Truncation When Converting XLSX to P...

    Hi Team, Cells Version : 21.6.0 (java) Jdk Version : 1.8.0_112 In the attachments DataLabels_Truncation_Issue_Input.xlsx file there is a chart with data, but the data labels are applied from the new data area created…...0 (java) JDK Version : 1.8.0_112 In the attachments...Still issue exists . FYI, the JDK version we are using is : jdk1...