text_options property text_options property Represents the text options of the shape. Example from aspose.pydrawing i......pydrawing import Color opt = shape . text_options...
text_vertical_overflow property text_vertical_overflow property Gets and sets the text vertical overflow type of the ......drawing import TextOverflowType shapeTextAlignment...
anchor_type property anchor_type property Gets and set the shape anchor placeholder. Example from aspose.cells.drawin......drawing import ShapeAnchorType if shape ....
anchor_type property anchor_type property Gets and set the shape anchor placeholder. Example from aspose.cells.drawin......drawing import ShapeAnchorType if shape ....
anchor_type property anchor_type property Gets and set the shape anchor placeholder. Example from aspose.cells.drawin......drawing import ShapeAnchorType if shape ....
anchor_type property anchor_type property Gets and set the shape anchor placeholder. Example from aspose.cells.drawin......drawing import ShapeAnchorType if shape ....
anchor_type property anchor_type property Gets and set the shape anchor placeholder. Example from aspose.cells.drawin......drawing import ShapeAnchorType if shape ....
begin_arrowhead_width property begin_arrowhead_width property Gets and sets the begin arrow width type of the line. E......drawing import MsoArrowheadWidth lineFmt ...
end_arrowhead_width property end_arrowhead_width property Gets and sets the end arrow width type of the line. Example......drawing import MsoArrowheadWidth lineFmt ...