Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiProperty Member List This is the complete list of members for Aspose::Email::Mapi::MapiPrope......friend Aspose::Email::Clients::Imap::ImapMessageInfo class Aspo...
EmailClient Contents [ Hide ] EmailClient class Represents the client that creates server connection by using the hos...... SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 servers in case of...
Contains documentation for all the methods & classes required to create applications using Aspose.Email for Java....MessageInfoBase Represents a Imap message object. Method Summary...
Contains documentation for all the methods & classes required to create applications using Aspose.Email for Java....if server supports RFC 5258 "IMAP LIST Command Extensions" See...
File Format APIs Enable your applications to manipulate Word, Excel, PDF, PowerPoint and more than 100 other file for......protocols such as SMTP, POP3 & IMAP. Aspose.Email for .NET From...
Contains documentation for all the methods & classes required to create applications using Aspose.Email for Java....if server supports RFC 5258 "IMAP LIST Command Extensions" See...
Python APIs for Microsoft Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations and Outlook email formats from within Python applications....receive emails through POP3, IMAP, and SMTP protocols, streamlining...
EASProvisionDoc Contents [ Hide ] EASProvisionDoc class Specifies the collection of security settings for device prov......device allows access to POP or IMAP email. AllowRemoteDesktop {...