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image scale

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  1. Scale Image in C#

    This tutorial covers how to Scale Image in C#. It contains the system configuration, the stepwise algorithm, and a runnable sample code to upScale Image in C#....Imaging Product Family Aspose.BarCode...Family Scale Image in C# This tutorial covers how to scale image...
  2. Scale | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Reference

    Scale PtFlResource.Scale property Gets or sets the Scale. public double Scale { get ; set ; } Property Value The scal......Scale PtFlResource.Scale property Gets or sets the scale. public...double Scale { get ; set ; } Property Value The scale. Examples...
  3. Scale | Aspose.OCR for .NET API Reference

    ReScale Image - UpScale or downScale Image resolution. InterpolationFilterType Lanczos8...Scale Contents [ Hide ] Scale(float) Rescale image - Upscale...Upscale or downscale image resolution. InterpolationFilterT = Lanczos8...
  4. Scale | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Scale KnownPropertyList.Scale field Indicates whether the Image is to be Scaled or cropped. Area: Common Canonical na......Scale KnownPropertyList.Scale field Indicates whether the image...image is to be scaled or cropped. Area: Common Canonical name:...
  5. Scale | Aspose.PSD for .NET API Reference

    Scale PatternFillSettings.Scale property Gets or sets the Scale. public double Scale { get ; set ; } Property Value T......Scale PatternFillSettings.Scale property Gets or sets the scale...double Scale { get ; set ; } Property Value The scale. Examples...
  6. Scale | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

    Scale Contents [ Hide ] Matrix.Scale method (1 of 2) Applies the specified Scale vector (ScaleX and ScaleY) to this M......Scale Contents [ Hide ] Matrix.Scale method (1 of 2) Applies...Applies the specified scale vector (scaleX and scaleY) to this Matrix...
  7. Scale | Aspose.Imaging for .NET API Reference

    Scale Time.Scale property Gets or sets Scale for the time value. public Rational Scale { get ; set ; } Property Value......Scale Time.Scale property Gets or sets scale for the time value...Rational Scale { get ; set ; } Property Value The scale for the...
  8. Scale | Aspose.Page for .NET API Reference

    Scale ImageDevice.Scale method Applies the specified Scale vector to the current transformation matrix. public overri......Scale ImageDevice.Scale method Applies the specified scale vector...matrix. public override void Scale ( double x , double y ) Parameter...
  9. ImageWatermarkOptions.Scale | Aspose.Words for ...

    ImageWatermarkOptions Scale property. Gets or sets the Scale factor expressed as a fraction of the Image. The default value is 0 auto in C#....Scale Contents [ Hide ] ImageWatermarkOption.Scale property Gets...sets the scale factor expressed as a fraction of the image. The default...
  10. Scale | Aspose.Diagram for .NET API Reference

    Scale ImageSaveOptions.Scale property Gets or sets the zoom factor for the generated Images. public float Scale { get......Scale ImageSaveOptions.Scale property Gets or sets the zoom factor...for the generated images. public float Scale { get ; set ; } Remarks...