OdPatternBrush OdPatternBrush class The open document pattern Brush public class OdPatternBrush : OdBrush Constructor......class The open document pattern brush public class OdPatternBrush...Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.OpenDocument.Objects.Brush assembly...
ForegroundRop3 EmfRop4.ForegroundRop3 property Gets the foreground ROP3. The unsigned, most-significant 8 bits of a 2......and destination bitmaps and brush pattern. public byte ForegroundRop3...class EmfRop4 namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records...
IhBrush EmfCreateBrushIndirect.IhBrush property Gets or sets A 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of th......specifies the index of the logical brush object in the EMF Object Table...EmfCreateBrushIndire namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records...
IhBrush EmfCreateDibPatternBrushPt.IhBrush property Gets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index o......specifies the index of the pattern brush object in the EMF Object Table...EmfCreateDibPatternB namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records...
IhBrush EmfCreateMonoBrush.IhBrush property Gets or sets a 32-bit unsigned integer that specifies the index of the mo......index of the monochrome pattern brush object in the EMF Object Table...EmfCreateMonoBrush namespace Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Emf.Emf.Records...
Detailed explanation & examples of Aspose.Imaging for Java library so you may easily integrate Image Processing capabilities with your own apps....imaging com.aspose.imaging.apsbuilder.dib com...com.aspose.imaging.asynctask com.aspose.imaging.brushes com.aspose...