Load, manipulate and render XPS, PS and EPS documents to PDF and raster image formats without any software dependencies....io. Serializable ) java.util. Properties...lang. Throwable (implements java.io. Serializable ) java.lang. Exception...
Reads the specified number of bytes from the underlying stream and writes them to the specified byte array.... virtual int32_t System :: IO :: BufferedStream :: Read ( const...array. virtual int32_t System :: IO :: BufferedStream :: Read ( const...
Reads the specified number of bytes from the stream and writes them to the specified byte array.... virtual int32_t System :: IO :: UnmanagedMemoryStrea :: Read...array. virtual int32_t System :: IO :: UnmanagedMemoryStrea :: Read...
Reads the specified number of bytes from the stream and writes them to the specified byte array.... int32_t System :: IO :: FileStream :: Read ( const...byte array. int32_t System :: IO :: FileStream :: Read ( const...
Determines if the stream is writable.... virtual bool System :: IO :: UnmanagedMemoryStrea :: get_CanWrite...UnmanagedMemoryStrea Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides get_CanSeek()...
Sets the length of the stream represented by the current object.... void System :: IO :: MemoryStream :: SetLength...MemoryStream Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides Seek()...
Reads 4 bytes from the input stream and returns them as an unsigned 32-bit integer value.... virtual uint32_t System :: IO :: BinaryReader :: ReadUInt32...BinaryReader Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides ReadUInt16()...