Solución API C++ para trabajar con TeX. Aprenda en el ejemplo cómo cargar un archivo TeX desde ZIP con unas pocas líneas de código....IO; using System.IO; // Open the stream for...System::SharedPtr<System::IO::Stream> outZipStream = System::IO::File::Open...
PS to EPS conversion. Use C# API example code for batch conversion within VB.NET, Asp.NET or any .NET based application....IO.FileStream( "template.PS" , System.IO.FileMode.Create...Create, System.IO.FileAccess.Read)) { // create a stream for...
Specializations of BasicSTDOStreamWrapper for wchar_t character types.... using System :: IO :: STDWOStreamWrapper = typedef...> See Also Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides STDOStreamWrapper...
I’ve made a Library in This library include Aspose Words.
the 1st time just include “Aspose.Words.dll” as reference.
Imports Aspose.words in my file, example my module
Make some function and use normaly docume…...IO.Stream = assembly.GetManifes...System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName() Dim fs As New System.IO.FileStream(tempFileName...
Reads the specified number of bytes from the stream and writes them to the specified byte array.... virtual int32_t System :: IO :: Stream :: Read ( const ArrayPtr...array. virtual int32_t System :: IO :: Stream :: Read ( const System...
Returns the creation time of the entity represented by the current object as local time.... DateTime System :: IO :: FileSystemInfo :: get_CreationTime...FileSystemInfo Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides set_Attributes()...