Use the C++ library for opening your PDF document with the next code snippet by Aspose.PDF....System :: SharedPtr < System :: IO :: MemoryStream > stream ; auto...MakeObject < Document > ( System :: IO :: File :: OpenRead ( fileName...
Used in move constructor and move assignment operator to reset pointers and call swap().... void System :: IO :: BasicSystemIOStreamB < Elem...BasicSystemIOStreamB Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides operator=()...
Used in move constructor and move assignment operator to reset pointers and call swap().... void System :: IO :: BasicSystemIStreamWr < Elem...BasicSystemIStreamWr Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides operator=()...
Gets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call....System :: TypeInfo & System :: IO :: Details_FileLoadException...Details_FileLoadException Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides Type()...
Sets the creation time of the entity represented by the current object as local time.... void System :: IO :: FileSystemInfo :: set_CreationTime...FileSystemInfo Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides get_CreationTime()...
Gets actual type of object. Analog of C# System.Object.GetType() call....System :: TypeInfo & System :: IO :: Details_PathTooLongException...Details_PathTooLongException Namespace System::IO Library Aspose.Slides Type()...