aspose.words.markup.CustomXmlPropertyCollection class. Represents a collection of custom XML attributes or smart tag properties...address, and converts it to a hyperlink that displays a purple dotted...
SmartTag constructor. Initializes a new instance of the [SmartTag](../) class....address, and converts it to a hyperlink that displays a purple dotted...
Class representing checkbox field... virtual Hyperlink { get; set; } Gets or sets...sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). IsFirstParagraphInCo...
Class representing Combobox field of the form.... virtual Hyperlink { get; set; } Gets or sets...sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). IsFirstParagraphInCo...
Class describes rich text editor component.... virtual Hyperlink { get; set; } Gets or sets...sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). IsFirstParagraphInCo...
Class represnets push button field.... virtual Hyperlink { get; set; } Gets or sets...sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). IconFit { get; }...
Aspose::Words::NodeChangingArgs class. Provides data for methods of the INodeChangingCallback interface. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....builder -> InsertField ( u " HYPERLINK \"
Public Member Functions | List of all members Aspose::Slides::SmartArt::ISmartArtShape Class Reference abstract Repre......get_HyperlinkClick ()=0 Returns the hyperlink defined for mouse click. Read...IHyperlink > value)=0 Sets the hyperlink defined for mouse click. Write...