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  1. Aspose.Pdf | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    The Aspose.Pdf is a root namespace for all classes of Aspose.Pdf library which are either directly in it like Document or indirectly through several subnamespaces....FileHyperlink Represents file hyperlink object. FileParams Defines...Html format Hyperlink Represents abstract hyperlink. Id Represents...
  2. DocumentProperties - Aspose.Diagram for Java - ...

    Detailed explanation & examples that helps developers integrate Visio File Processing features in their own Java applications....HorzAlign HTMLSaveOptions Hyperlink HyperlinkCollection used for relative hyperlinks (hyperlinks for which the linked...
  3. Hyperlinks / Action Commands Break after Loadin...

    Hi there, after loading and saving a presentation with Aspose.Slides.NET@23.8.0, some Hyperlinks and specifically action buttons break. Depending on the type of ppaction, this can result in the action not being usable o…...Hyperlinks / Action Commands Break after Loading and Saving a...Family slides-net , slides-hyperlink hbnrmx September 11, 2023...
  4. Add Hyperlinks to Slide using Aspose.Slides and...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....Add Hyperlinks to Slide using Aspose.Slides and pptx4j Contents...Hide ] Aspose.Slides - Add Hyperlinks to Slide Java //Instantiate...
  5. Connector | Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NET A...

    Connector Contents [ Hide ] Connector class Represents a connector. The Connector type exposes the following members:...... hyperlink_click Returns or sets the hyperlink defined...IHyperlink . hyperlink_mouse_over Returns or sets the hyperlink defined...
  6. ITable | Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NET API ...

    ITable Contents [ Hide ] ITable class Represents a table on a slide. The ITable type exposes the following members: P...... as_i_hyperlink_container Allows to get base...IPresentation . hyperlink_click Returns or sets the hyperlink defined...
  7. FieldNoteRef class | Aspose.Words for Python

    aspose.words.fields.FieldNoteRef class. Implements the NOTEREF field...insert_hyperlink Gets or sets whether to insert a hyperlink to the...bookmark. # Setting the "insert_hyperlink" property lets us jump to...
  8. Connector|Aspose.Sildes for Python via .NET API...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms.... hyperlink_click Returns or sets the hyperlink defined...IHyperlink . hyperlink_mouse_over Returns or sets the hyperlink defined...
  9. OpenDocument Export - Drawing Object Features|A...

    Export to ODT format using drawing saving features in C#.... Hyperlink on Shape N/A Watermark N/A...Color Yes Alignment Planned Hyperlink N/A Image N/A Exported as...
  10. Create OneNote Files using C# | Add Images, Tab...

    Create OneNote (.one) files programmatically using C# or VB.NET. Add images, tables, tags, and Hyperlinks to OneNote documents using .NET OneNote library....OneNote Documents Insert Hyperlinks in OneNote Documents Create...documents using C#. Insert Hyperlinks in OneNote Document using...