FloatingBox Contents [ Hide ] FloatingBox class public class FloatingBox : BaseParagraph Constructors Name Descriptio......alignment of paragraph virtual Hyperlink { get; set; } Gets or sets...sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). IsFirstParagraphInCo...
Developer's manual that contains Java classes to work with Microsoft Project documents without utilizing Microsoft Project.... static int Hyperlink Represents the Hyperlink (Resource) field...HyperlinkAddress Represents the Hyperlink Address (Resource) field....
Abstract class representing printer mark annotation.... virtual Hyperlink { get; set; } Gets or sets...sets the fragment hyperlink(for pdf generator). IsFirstParagraphInCo...
Aspose.Words for Python via .NET is a wrapper of Aspose.Words for .NET, this page describes the differences in features and API of these two products.... my_dir + "Hyperlinks.docx" ) for field in doc...FIELD_HYPERLINK : hyperlink = field . as_field_hyperlink () #...