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  1. Aspose::Words::Saving::HtmlFixedSaveOptions::ge...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::HtmlfixedSaveOptions::get_ResourcesFolderAlias method. Specifies the name of the folder used to construct image URIs written into an Html document. Default is null in C++....set_SaveFormat ( SaveFormat :: HtmlFixed ); options -> set_ExportEmbeddedImages...
  2. Some symbols and text are missing while convert...

    Hi Aspose support, In our product we have functionality that converts word document to html. After conversion word document to html, we were faced the issue while loading symbols, Equations and text. We used Aspose.w…...conversion the document to HtmlFixed format. Please confirm. I...
  3. IResourceSavingCallback.ResourceSaving | Aspose...

    IResourceSavingCallback ResourceSaving method. Called when Aspose.Words saves an external resource to fixed page HTML or SVG formats in C#.... HtmlFixed , ExportEmbeddedImages = false...
  4. ResourceSavingArgs.KeepResourceStreamOpen | Asp...

    ResourceSavingArgs 财产. 指定 Aspose.Words 是在保存资源后保持流打开还是关闭它... HtmlFixed , ExportEmbeddedImages = false...
  5. Aspose::Words::Saving::ResourceSavingArgs::get_...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::ResourceSavingArgs::get_ResourceStream method. Allows to specify the stream where the resource will be saved to in C++....set_SaveFormat ( SaveFormat :: HtmlFixed ); options -> set_ExportEmbeddedImages...
  6. 15.5.0 Release Notes|Aspose.Words for .NET

    Aspose.Words for .NET 15.5.0 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....when document is exported to HtmlFixed Feature WORDSNET-11496 Support...RAM to convert a DOCX to HtmlFixed Performance WORDSNET-11828...
  7. Aspose::Words::Saving::IResourceSavingCallback:...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::IResourceSavingCallback::ResourceSaving method. Called when Aspose.Words saves an external resource to fixed page HTML or SVG formats in C++....set_SaveFormat ( SaveFormat :: HtmlFixed ); options -> set_ExportEmbeddedImages...
  8. HtmlFixedSaveOptions.ResourcesFolder | Aspose.W...

    HtmlfixedSaveOptions ResourcesFolder property. Specifies the physical folder where resources images fonts css are saved when exporting a document to Html format. Default is null in C#.... HtmlFixed , ExportEmbeddedImages = false...
  9. ResourceSavingArgs.ResourceStream | Aspose.Word...

    ResourceSavingArgs 财产. 允许指定将资源保存到的流... HtmlFixed , ExportEmbeddedImages = false...
  10. Aspose::Words::Saving::HtmlFixedSaveOptions cla...

    Aspose::Words::Saving::HtmlfixedSaveOptions class. Can be used to specify additional options when saving a document into the Htmlfixed format. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....saving a document into the HtmlFixed format. To learn more, visit...object is used. Can only be HtmlFixed . get_ShowPageBorder () const...