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  1. Aspose.word for java sets the header left-cente...

    aspose. word for java sets the page Header left-center right layout, and the does not wrap,and text lengt not unfixed (2.9 KB)...word for java sets the header left-center right layout, and...word for java sets the page header left-center right layout, and...
  2. Block on adjustment of Image Settings within Ex...

    Why does Aspose reset the settings on an image nestled inside of an Excel Header? Turning aspose off resolves the settings issue entirely....Image Settings within Excel header Aspose.Cells Product Family...nestled inside of an Excel header? Turning aspose off resolves...
  3. Adding watermark to document is removing header...

    Hi, I’m using Aspose.Words version 19.9.0 in a .Net project. I’m adding a text watermark to all pages of the document, but i noticed that doing so is deleting the content of the Header of all pages after page 1. I wou…...watermark to document is removing header from page 2 Aspose.Words Product...deleting the content of the header of all pages after page 1....
  4. On Save as PDF, Header and Footer go to another...

    When saving a document on a PDF format, the footer is breaking onto another page. I’ll but the sample code below and he’s a description of what I’m doing: Create 2 documents using Document Builder. Each document has a …...On Save as PDF, Header and Footer go to another page Aspose.Words...has a simple body, footer and header; Merge 2 documents together;...
  5. Table header row property - Aspose.Words Produc...

    Hi Team, Could you please help to share a property in aspose words java for the Header row on the table. Equivalent property on Word- Failed to uncheck the property using below sample code . for (Table t : (Iterabl…...Table header row property Aspose.Words Product Family aspose words java for the header row on the table. Equivalent...
  6. Aspose linq display different header for each p...

    I am going to display the different Header for each page while using Aspose linq. <<if [function() == true]>> TextA <> This will be valid in the Header? Untitled.png (2.5 KB)...Aspose linq display different header for each page Aspose.Words...going to display the different header for each page while using Aspose...
  7. Alternative text for images in PDF header - Asp...

    Hello, It seems that if I want to save a document as pdf, the alternative text from Header’s image is lost. I don’t have any problems with .docx. Do you have a guideline for this or a workaround? example: Document doc…...Alternative text for images in PDF header Aspose.Words Product Family... the alternative text from header’s image is lost. I don’t have...
  8. Header value of a section overlaps the other 2 ...

    If i set a longer title as Header on an element (section), say middle, it will go on other elements as well, which shouldn’t. Code sample: Workbook book = new Workbook(); Worksheet worksheet = book.Worksheets[0]; work…...Header value of a section overlaps the other 2 sections Aspose...If i set a longer title as header on an element (section), say...
  9. TNEF reader - ReferenceAttachment header is cor...

    We have a growing number of TNEF format files (in .eml form) that will not load. They error like this: Using .\aspose-email-22.5-jdk16.jar (also tested 22.1 onwards) (302.8 KB) Caught: …...reader - ReferenceAttachment header is corrupt Aspose.Email Product...InvalidOperationExce: ReferenceAttachment header is corrupt
  10. Require Fixed Size for header, footer and page ...

    Hi Team, I am using the below constants to identify the Header and footer of a pdf document. But still when i have 2 columns description in a single pdf page (attaching the input pdf document) ABCD.pdf (76.2 KB) some c…...Require Fixed Size for header, footer and page margin for PDF...below constants to identify the header and footer of a pdf document...