FullName MhtTemplateName.Contact.FullName field Full Name Header. public const string FullName ; See Also class Conta......FullName field Full Name header. public const string FullName...
SpousePartner MhtTemplateName.Contact.SpousePartner field Spouse/Partner Header. public const string SpousePartner ; ......SpousePartner field Spouse/Partner header. public const string SpousePartner...
Footer IFormatter.Footer property Gest the footer string. public string Footer { get ; } See Also interface IFormatte......Email Header English Русский 简体中文...
HeaderFooter.accept_start method. Accepts a visitor for visiting the start of the Header....for visiting the start of the header. def accept_start ( self ,...
Sets a value of the 'Host' Header....‘Host’ header. void System :: Net :: Http :: Headers :: HttpRequestHeaders...Namespace System::Net::Http::Headers Library Aspose.Slides get_Host()...
Aspose::Cells::Utility::ExportRangeToJsonOptions::SetHasHeaderRow method. Indicates whether the range contains Header row in C++....whether the range contains header row. void Aspose :: Cells ::...