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  1. Identity | Aspose.Email for .NET API Reference

    Identity Contents [ Hide ] Identity class The...namespace Aspose.Email.Clients.Graph assembly Aspose.Email IGraphClient...
  2. RichMediaAnnotation | Aspose.PDF for .NET API R...

    Class describes RichMediaAnnotation which allows embed video/audio data into PDF document....indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will...will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be...
  3. GraphInfo - Aspose.PDF for Java - API Reference

    Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....Method and Description GraphInfo Graph. getGraphInfo () Gets a GraphInfo...GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width...
  4. MarkupAnnotation | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Refe...

    Abstract class representing markup annotation....indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will...will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be...
  5. Image | Aspose.PDF for .NET API Reference

    Represents image....indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will...will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be...
  6. Aspose.Pdf .Net Hot Fix Release Notes|A...

    Class Libraries & REST APIs for the developers to manipulate & process Files from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, PDF, CAD & several other categories in Web, Desktop or Mobile apps. Develop & deploy on Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms....this hotfix: \1) Z-order of graph and image is supported. A ZIndex is added into Graph and Image classes. \2) Image...
  7. ScreenAnnotation | Aspose.PDF for Python via .N...

    A screen annotation that specifies a region of a page upon which media clips may be played....indicates the Z-order of the graph. A graph with larger ZIndex will...will be placed over the graph with smaller ZIndex. ZIndex can be...
  8. graphinfo - Aspose.PDF for Java - API Reference

    Detailed explanation & examples for every class & method in Aspose.PDF for Java library. Easily create, edit, convert or render PDF documents using Java platform....Method and Description GraphInfo Graph. getGraphInfo () Gets a GraphInfo...GraphInfo object that indicates the graph info,such as color, line width...
  9. Aspose::Words::Drawing::Charts::ChartDataLabel ...

    Represents data label on a chart point or to each data point in the graph and display its value. for (...} // For a cleaner looking graph, we can remove data labels individually...
  10. ChartSeriesCollection.Add | Aspose.Words for .NET

    ChartSeriesCollection Add method. Adds new ChartSeries to this collection. Use this method to add series to any type of Bar Column Line and Surface charts in C#....type of chart series for a graph type. public void points on the chart's graph. chart . Series . Add ( "Series...