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  1. kml Viewer API in C#

    Develop a kml viewer with an API designed specifically for net / C# developers....GeoJSON Viewer GeoTIFF Viewer GML Viewer GPX Viewer MapInfo-MIF...
  2. gdb Viewer API in C#

    Develop a gdb viewer with an API designed specifically for net / C# developers....GeoJSON Viewer GeoTIFF Viewer GML Viewer GPX Viewer KML Viewer...
  3. gpx Viewer API in C#

    Develop a gpx viewer with an API designed specifically for net / C# developers....GeoJSON Viewer GeoTIFF Viewer GML Viewer KML Viewer MapInfo-MIF...
  4. CSV

    CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values. It is a file format used to store and exchange data between different software applications. A CSV file contains data in a tabular form, with each row representing a record and each column representing a field of data. The values in each field are separated by commas, hence the name "comma-separated values." CSV files are commonly used in data analysis and can be easily imported and exported from spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel....(GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000 KML Mapbox Vector...
  5. Drawing Exchange Format

    DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) is a file format developed by Autodesk that is widely used for exchanging and sharing 2D and 3D design data between different CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software applications. DXF files contain information about geometric shapes, lines, arcs, and other elements used in drawings, as well as layer information, text, and dimensions. The format is supported by various CAD software, making it a standard for interoperability and collaboration in the design industry. DXF files can be easily accessed, edited, and shared, facilitating the exchange of design data across different platforms and software applications....(GDB) Esri Grid GeoJSON GeoTIFF GML GPX HDF JPEG2000 KML Mapbox Vector...
  6. Extract AAC Files via .NET

    C# decompression source code to extract AAC documents from a single archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....GLTF (GL Transmission Format) GML (Geography Markup Language) GPX...
  7. Extract GLB Files via .NET

    C# decompression source code to extract GLB documents from a single archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....GLTF (GL Transmission Format) GML (Geography Markup Language) GPX...
  8. Extract DWG Files via .NET

    C# decompression source code to extract DWG documents from a single archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....GLTF (GL Transmission Format) GML (Geography Markup Language) GPX...
  9. Compress XLSX Files via .NET

    C# compression source code to compress XLSX documents into a single zip archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....GLTF (GL Transmission Format) GML (Geography Markup Language) GPX...
  10. Extract CPP Files via .NET

    C# decompression source code to extract CPP documents from a single archive or vice versa on .NET Framework, .NET Core....GLTF (GL Transmission Format) GML (Geography Markup Language) GPX...