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  1. FormFieldCollection.RemoveAt | Aspose.Words for...

    FormfieldCollection RemoveAt method. Removes a form field at the specified index in C#....from this combo box: " ); FormField comboBox = builder . to tick/untick it: " ); FormField checkBox = builder . InsertCheckBox...
  2. Aspose::Words::Fields::FormFieldCollection::Rem...

    Aspose::Words::Fields::FormfieldCollection::RemoveAt method. Removes a form field at the specified index in C++....combo box: " ); SharedPtr < FormField > comboBox = builder -> InsertComboBox...tick/untick it: " ); SharedPtr < FormField > checkBox = builder -> InsertCheckBox...
  3. Aspose::Words::Fields::FormFieldCollection clas...

    Aspose::Words::Fields::FormfieldCollection class. A collection of Formfield objects that represent all the form fields in a range. To learn more, visit the documentation article in C++....FormFieldCollection class A collection of FormField objects that represent all...Aspose :: Words :: Fields :: FormField >> Methods Method Description...
  4. FormField.DropDownSelectedIndex | Aspose.Words ...

    Formfield 财产. 获取或设置在下拉表单字段中指定当前选定项的索引...FormField.DropDownSelectedInde FormField.DropDownSelectedInde...from this combo box: " ); FormField comboBox = builder . InsertComboBox...
  5. FormField.MaxLength | Aspose.Words for .NET API 参考

    Formfield 财产. 文本字段的最大长度长度不限时为零...FormField.MaxLength FormField.MaxLength property 文本字段的最大长度。长度不限时为零。...from this combo box: " ); FormField comboBox = builder . InsertComboBox...
  6. FormFieldCollection.RemoveAt | Aspose.Words for...

    FormfieldCollection 方法. 删除指定索引处的表单域...from this combo box: " ); FormField comboBox = builder . to tick/untick it: " ); FormField checkBox = builder . InsertCheckBox...
  7. Aspose::Words::Fields::FormFieldCollection::Rem...

    Aspose::Words::Fields::FormfieldCollection::Remove method. Removes a form field with the specified name in C++....String & formField ) Parameter Type Description formField const...combo box: " ); SharedPtr < FormField > comboBox = builder -> InsertComboBox...
  8. Range.FormFields | Aspose.Words for .NET API 参考

    Range 财产. 返回一个Formfields代表范围内所有表单字段的集合...FormFields Range.FormFields property 返回一个 FormFields 代表范围内所有表单字段的集合。...public FormFieldCollection FormFields { get ; } 例子 展示了如何将不同类型的...
  9. FormFieldCollection.GetEnumerator | Aspose.Word...

    FormfieldCollection GetEnumerator method. Returns an enumerator object in C#.... public IEnumerator < FormField > GetEnumerator () Examples...from this combo box: " ); FormField comboBox = builder . InsertComboBox...
  10. FormFieldCollection.Remove | Aspose.Words for .NET

    FormfieldCollection Remove method. Removes a form field with the specified name in C#....string formField ) Parameter Type Description formField String...from this combo box: " ); FormField comboBox = builder . InsertComboBox...