Aspose.Words.StyleCollection class. A collection of Style objects that represent both the builtin and userdefined styles in a document in C#....Gets document default text formatting. DefaultParagraphForm { get;...document default paragraph formatting. Document { get; } Gets the...
Classes | Typedefs | Functions Aspose::Email::Tools::Logging Namespace Reference Classes class Appender Represents th......Represents the class for formatting log entry messages. More...Represents the interface for formatting log entry messsages. More...
aspose.words.tables.CellFormat class. Represents all Formatting for a table cell...CellFormat class Represents all formatting for a table cell. To learn...that refers to the shading formatting for the cell. top_padding...
Represents special Formatting applied to some area of a table with assigned table style in Java....Cloneable Represents special formatting applied to some area of a...// Conditional styles are formatting changes that affect only...
aspose.words.tables.RowFormat class. Represents all Formatting for a table row...RowFormat class Represents all formatting for a table row. To learn...borders for the row. heading_format True if the row is repeated...
This class contains the text portion Formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffectiveData./iportionformateffectivedata all properties of this class are writeable....contains the text portion formatting properties. Unlike IPortionFormatEffect...() Gets effective portion formatting data with the inheritance...
Aspose::Words::Font::ClearFormatting method. Resets to default font Formatting in C++....method Resets to default font formatting. void Aspose :: Words ::...Remarks Removes all font formatting specified explicitly on the...
How to format pivot table cells with Aspose.Cells for Python via .NET....Español Svenska Türkçe 日本語 Format Pivot Table Cells Contents...Hide ] Sometimes, you want to format pivot table cells. For example...
getParagraphFormat getParagraphFormat() function Returns the Formatting object for this paragraph. Read-only IParagra......getParagraphFormat() function Returns the formatting object for this paragraph...IParagraphFormat. The formatting object contains the formatting parameters...
Insert a paragraph into a document C#. Set paragraph styles in C#. Work with paragraph style separator C#. Manipulate paragraph node using C#.... The current font formatting is also specified by the...and the current paragraph formatting is determined by the ParagraphFormat...