EmbedAllFontsHtmlController Contents [ Hide ] EmbedAllFontsHtmlController class The formatting controller class to us......Called to write html document footer. Called once per presentation...Called to write html slide footer. Called once per each of slides...
Aspose.Words for JasperReports 23.2 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....page Bug WORDSJR-335 Header/Footer is exported to output document...body. Bug WORDSJR-339 Header/Footer does not export in output DOCX...
Aspose::Cells::PageSetup::GetFooterMarginInch method. Represents the distance from the bottom of the page to the Footer, in unit of inches in C++....the bottom of the page to the footer, in unit of inches. double...
Aspose::Cells::PageSetup::SetIsHFDiffFirst method. True means that the header/Footer of the first page is different with other pages in C++....True means that the header/footer of the first page is different...
Aspose::Cells::PageSetup::SetIsHFScaleWithDoc method. Indicates whether header and Footer are scaled with document scaling. Only applies for Excel 2007 in C++....Indicates whether header and footer are scaled with document scaling...
is_hf_diff_first property is_hf_diff_first property True means that the header/Footer of the first page is different ......True means that the header/footer of the first page is different...
Base class for elements that contain block-level nodes Paragraph and Table....represented by Body , each header and footer is stored in a separate story...how to create a header and a footer. auto doc = MakeObject<Document>();...