What exaktly will be deleted if ConvertErrorAction.Delete is used during conversion to PDF/A-1a?
pdfDocument.convert(log, PdfFormat.PDF_A_1A, ConvertErrorAction.Delete);
The documentation states “You can also…...include: EmbeddedFiles and JavaScript names in documents Catalog...dictionaries Non-symbolic TrueType font that contains Encoding entry...
C# ASP.NET VB.NET Font library to load, render, convert and save the most popular Fonts without other software dependencies....Font Product Solution Aspose.TeX...Products Aspose.Font .NET .NET APIs to Manipulate Fonts Load, Convert...
An introduction to OCR technology and how Aspose.OCR for Javascript via C++ can help you use it for your day-to-day business needs....OCR for JavaScript via C++ can help you get...details. Why Aspose.OCR for JavaScript via C++? Optical character...
2.0 http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom Complete Set of File Format Automation Solutions – Преобразование формата файла через C#https://products.aspose.com/total/ru/net/conversion/Recent content in Преобра......important; margin-bottom: 25px; font-size: 26px!important; color:...#182945!important; width: 100%; font-weight: 700!important; } .faqsection...