Weight HeaderFooterFont.Weight property Specifies the weight of the Font. Equivalent to the GDI LOGFont lfWeight fiel......Specifies the weight of the font. Equivalent to the GDI LOGFONT...
default_y property default_y property Represents y of default position Definition: @property def default_y ( self ): ......PlotArea default_x property font property English Русский 简体中文...
Returns the minimal Font size, for which kerning should be switched on. Read-only float.... method Returns the minimal font size, for which kerning should...
Encodes the glyph. For TTF Fonts the character code is unicode. Not supported for Type1 Font types.... For TTF Fonts the character code is unicode...unicode. Not supported for Type1 Font types. public void Encode (...
Style FontDescriptor.Style property Gets style of the Font. public FontStyles Style { get ; } See Also enum FontStyle......Style property Gets style of the font. public FontStyles Style { get...